Create a new component

Building a reproducible Viash component.

A Viash component can be translated into one or more engines: Native, Docker; and one or more runners: Executable, Nextflow. Each of these engines and runners result in a different artifact:

Below we will create our first Viash component using any of the languages natively supported by Viash.

Create a script

When creating a new Viash component, you can write a new script or use a pre-existing script. Below is a script that simply copies an input file to an output destination.

Create a new file named and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.



# copy file
echo "Copying '$par_input' to '$par_output'."
cp -r "$par_input" "$par_output"

Create a new file named script.csx and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.

using System.IO;

var par = new {
  input = "path/to/file.txt",
  output = "output.txt"

// copy file
Console.WriteLine($"Copying '{par.input}' to '{par.output}'.");
File.Copy(par.input, par.output, true);

Create a new file named script.js and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.

const fs = require('fs');

let par = {
  'input': 'path/to/file.txt',
  'output': 'output.txt'

// copy file
console.log(`Copying '${par['input']}' to '${par['output']}'`)
fs.copyFile(par['input'], par['output'], (err) => {
  if (err) throw err;

Create a new file named and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.

import shutil

par = {
  'input': 'file.txt',
  'output': 'output.txt'

# copy file
print(f"Copying '{par['input']}' to '{par['output']}'.")
shutil.copyfile(par['input'], par['output'])

Create a new file named script.R and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.

par <- list(
  "input" = 'file.txt',
  "output" = 'output.txt'

# copy file
cat("Copying '", par$input, "' to '", par$output, "'.\n", sep = "")
file.copy(par$input, par$output)

Create a new file named script.scala and copy the following content inside of it. This script will copy an input file to an output destination.

import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths

case class ViashPar(input: String, output: String)
val par = ViashPar(

// copy file
println(s"Copying '${par.input}' to '${par.output}'.")
val fileIn = Paths.get(par.input)
val fileOut = Paths.get(par.output)
Files.copy(fileIn, fileOut, REPLACE_EXISTING)

The par variable(s) appear to be hard coded, but they’re not! When running this script with Viash, Viash will strip away the section between VIASH START and VIASH END, and replace it with parameter values at runtime. The values included in this script are thus entirely for development and debugging purposes. More information on how this works will be given in Variables and meta-variables.

Create a config

A Viash config file is a YAML file that describes the functionality of a component as well as the engine(s) and runner(s) it targets.

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_bash
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: bash_script
  - type: docker
    image: "bash:4.0"
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_csharp
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: csharp_script
    path: script.csx
  - type: docker
    image: ""
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_js
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: javascript_script
    path: script.js
  - type: docker
    image: "node:19-bullseye-slim"
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_python
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: python_script
  - type: docker
    image: "python:3.10-slim"
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_r
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: r_script
    path: script.R
  - type: docker
    image: "eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04"
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Create a file named config.vsh.yaml and add the contents below based on your chosen scripting language.

name: example_scala
description: A minimal example component.
  - type: file
    name: --input
    example: file.txt
    required: true
  - type: file
    name: --output
    direction: output
    example: output.txt
    required: true
  - type: scala_script
    path: script.scala
  - type: docker
    image: "sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-19_36_1.7.2_2.13.10"
  - type: native
  - type: executable
  - type: nextflow

Here’s a breakdown of the different sections:

  • name: The name of the component.
  • description: A description of what the component does
  • arguments: The input and output parameters of the script.
  • resources: References to all necessary files and folders to make the component work.
  • engines: Lists which engines a component can target (i.e. Native or Docker).
  • runners: Lists which runners a component can utilize (i.e. Executable or Nextflow).

Run the component

That’s it! With these two steps, you created your first component.

Next, you can use the viash run command to test whether it actually works as intended.

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_bash:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_bash:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_bash:latest' with Dockerfile
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/bash/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/bash/foo.txt'.

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_csharp:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_csharp:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_csharp:latest' with Dockerfile
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/csharp/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/csharp/foo.txt'.

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_js:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_js:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_js:latest' with Dockerfile
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/js/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/js/foo.txt'

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_python:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_python:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_python:latest' with Dockerfile
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/python/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/python/foo.txt'.

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_r:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_r:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_r:latest' with Dockerfile
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/r/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/r/foo.txt'.
[1] TRUE

You can call use the component’s --help functionality to get an overview its parameters and descriptions.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

As expected, this component has an --input and --output parameter. You can execute the component by providing values for these parameters.

viash run config.vsh.yaml -- --input config.vsh.yaml --output foo.txt
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'example_scala:latest'
[warning] Could not pull from 'example_scala:latest'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'example_scala:latest' with Dockerfile
warning: 1 deprecation; re-run with -deprecation for details
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/scala/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/scala/foo.txt'.

The double dash (--) between the viash command and the arguments is used to signify the end of the arguments passed to Viash and the start of those passed to the script. If you forgot to add these, you’ll get an error similar to this:

viash run config.vsh.yaml \
  --input foo.txt \
  --output bar.txt
[scallop] Error: Unknown option 'input'

Build an executable

We will now turn the Viash component into an executable.

Use the viash build command to generate an executable.

viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
└── target
    └── example_bash

2 directories, 4 files
viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
├── script.csx
└── target
    └── example_csharp

2 directories, 4 files
viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
├── script.js
└── target
    └── example_js

2 directories, 4 files
viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
└── target
    └── example_python

2 directories, 4 files
viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
├── script.R
└── target
    └── example_r

2 directories, 4 files
viash build config.vsh.yaml --output target

This will generate an executable in the target/ directory:

├── config.vsh.yaml
├── foo.txt
├── script.scala
└── target
    └── example_scala

2 directories, 4 files

Displaying the help text

It’s often useful to know what arguments an executable expects before trying to run it.

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_bash --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_csharp --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_js --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_python --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_r --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

To display its documentation, run the executable with just the --help argument:

target/example_scala --help

A minimal example component.

        type: file, required parameter, file must exist
        example: file.txt

        type: file, required parameter, output, file must exist
        example: output.txt

Viash built in Computational Requirements:
        Number of CPUs to use
        Amount of memory to use. Examples: 4GB, 3MiB.

Viash built in Docker:
        Setup the docker container. Options are: alwaysbuild, alwayscachedbuild, ifneedbebuild, ifneedbecachedbuild, alwayspull, alwayspullelsebuild, alwayspullelsecachedbuild, ifneedbepull, ifneedbepullelsebuild, ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild, push, pushifnotpresent, donothing.
        Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild
        Print the dockerfile to stdout.
        Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on `docker run` for more information.
        Print the docker image id to stdout.
        Enter the docker container for debugging purposes.

Viash built in Engines:
        Specify the engine to use. Options are: docker, native.
        Default: docker

This executable takes a file as input and will create an output file.

Running the executable

Running an executable is the same as any other executable on your system.

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_bash --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/bash/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/bash/output.txt'.

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  411 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  411 Mar  5 18:32 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  411 Mar  5 18:33 output.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runner docker  181 Mar  5 18:32
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_csharp --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/csharp/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/csharp/output.txt'.

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  450 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  450 Mar  5 18:32 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  450 Mar  5 18:32 output.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  237 Mar  5 18:32 script.csx
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_js --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/js/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/js/output.txt'

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  428 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  428 Mar  5 18:32 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  428 Mar  5 18:34 output.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runner docker  282 Mar  5 18:32 script.js
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_python --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/python/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/python/output.txt'.

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  423 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  423 Mar  5 18:32 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  423 Mar  5 18:34 output.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runner docker  216 Mar  5 18:32
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_r --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/r/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/r/output.txt'.
[1] TRUE

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  418 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  418 Mar  5 18:33 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  418 Mar  5 18:34 output.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 runner docker  207 Mar  5 18:32 script.R
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target

You can run the executable by providing a value for --input and --output:

target/example_scala --input config.vsh.yaml --output output.txt
warning: 1 deprecation; re-run with -deprecation for details
Copying '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/scala/config.vsh.yaml' to '/viash_automount/tmp/RtmpSZ2MBV/create_new_component525c1562b0bb/scala/output.txt'.

This results in the following output:

ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  462 Mar  5 18:32 config.vsh.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  462 Mar  5 18:33 foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  462 Mar  5 18:34 output.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner docker  435 Mar  5 18:32 script.scala
drwxr-xr-x 2 runner docker 4096 Mar  5 18:33 target